Change of Management in Flottweg SE Executive Board
After 13 years as Speaker of the Board, Fritz Colesan will pass on his position to Dr. Kersten Link on January 1, 2022, and cut short his contract with the separation technology specialist that will run until the end of 2022. Mr. Colesan will then take up the role of Strategy Officer for the Supervisory Board. Fritz Colesan is slated to succeed Peter Bruckmayer as Chairman of the Supervisory Board in 2023.

Flottweg has enjoyed an excellent start to the current financial year. Incoming orders in the first quarter are above target and are better than in the previous year, which, as we know, had been left unscathed by the pandemic until March. A clear recovery in sales activities is taking place
in many regions. “If the coronavirus does not foil our plans once again, we will be back on track with long-term growth by the middle of the year at the latest,” says Colesan with confidence. This development is very important for us since the targets set in the 2025 strategy are quite ambitious and have been temporarily slowed down by the coronavirus. This is also one of the reasons leading us to make a change: The idea is to involve successor Dr. Kersten Link as early as possible in strategic activities in order to ensure successful implementation right from the start. Dr. Kersten Link will begin working at Flottweg on October 1, 2021. After more than 13 years as Speaker of the Board and more than 30 years of company service, Fritz Colesan’s time in office is coming to an end. Flottweg SE’s success in recent years clearly bears his signature. “Its outstanding professional competence and its high priority to human values also guaranteed that Flottweg is highly respected as a company in the region, and not just for its economic success,” says Peter Bruckmayer, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, during the signing of the contract.
Colesan Succeeded by Dr. Kersten Link
Fritz Colesan is succeeded by Dr. Kersten Link, who has overseen plant engineering at Eisenmann SE for over 20 years. The PhD process engineer was responsible for the entire value chain of environmental technology and thermal solutions in Eisenmann’s Executive Board. Peter Bruckmayer was very pleased with selection of the new Executive Board: “By securing Dr. Link, we were able to gain an absolute expert for Flottweg who is a perfect fit for our company. Dr. Kersten Link has extensive knowledge of sales, engineering, project management, purchasing, and after-sales service. His mentality also closely reflects Flottweg’s corporate culture.“
Picture legend: After signing the contract (from right): Chairman of the Supervisory Board Peter Bruckmayer, Speaker of the Board Fritz Colesan, and Dr Kersten Link, take up his role at Flottweg in October.
Nils Engelke
PR and Communications Manager
Flottweg SE
Industriestrasse 6-8
84137 Vilsbiburg
Telephone: +49 (8741) 301 - 1577
Fax: +49 (8741) 301 - 303
Email: enge@flottweg.com