Engineered For Your Success

Data Protection Declaration

For Flottweg SE, compliance with data protection laws is not only a legal obligation, but also an important trust factor. Our goal is to be transparent; therefore, we are providing following data protection terms to explain the type, scope, and purpose of personal data collected from you and processed within this internet presence, as well as your rights. 

Status of the privacy policy: February 15, 2024

To our imprint

Responsibility for data processing

Flottweg SE, Industriestraße 6-8, 84137 Vilsbiburg (hereinafter "We") is the operator of the website, the data controller according to Article 4(7) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you have any questions, please contact us at

Data protection officer

Our data protection officer is Richard Söldner.

You can reach him at:

- Address: Projekt 29 GmbH & Co. KG, Ostengasse 14, 93047 Regensburg

- Phone: +49 941 29 86 93 0

- Fax: +49 941 29 86 93 16

- Email:

For what purposes and on what legal basis is the data processed?

We process your data in accordance with the provisions of the currently valid version of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Federal Data Protection Act 2018:

  • to meet (pre-)contractual obligations (Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR):

Your data is processed online or in one of our branches to execute contracts within the framework of your cooperation with our company. In particular, the data will be processed when the business is initiated and when the contracts with you are executed.


  • for the fulfilment of legal obligations (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR):

Processing of your data is necessary for the purpose of fulfilling various legal obligations, e.g. those arising from the German Commercial Code or the German Fiscal Code.


  • to safeguard legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR):

Based on a balancing of interests, data processing may take place beyond the actual fulfilment of the contract in order to safeguard the legitimate interests of ourselves or third parties. Data processing to protect legitimate interests takes place, for example, in the following cases:

  •  advertising or marketing (see No. 4);
  • measures for business management and further development of services and products;
  • Maintaining a Group-wide customer database to improve customer service
  • in the context of legal proceedings
  • sending of non-sales promotional information and press releases.
  • within the framework of your consent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR):

If you have given us your consent to process your data, e.g. to send our newsletter, publish photos, competitions, etc.

Processing of personal data for advertising purposes

You can object to the use of your personal data for advertising purposes at any time, either as a whole or for individual measures, without incurring any costs other than the transmission costs in accordance with the basic tariffs.

According to the legal requirements of Section 7 (3) UWG, we are entitled to use the email address that you provided when concluding the contract for direct advertising of our own similar goods or services. You will receive these product recommendations from us regardless of whether you have subscribed to a newsletter.

If you do not wish to receive such recommendations from us by email, you can object to the use of your address for this purpose at any time without incurring any costs other than the transmission costs according to the basic rates. A notification in text form is sufficient for this. Of course, every email always includes a unsubscribe link.


Am I obliged to provide data?

The processing of your data is necessary for the conclusion or fulfilment of your contract with us. If you do not provide us with this data, we will generally have to refuse to conclude the contract or will no longer be able to execute an existing contract and must consequently terminate it. However, you are not obliged to give your consent to the processing of data that is not relevant to the performance of the contract or that is not required by law.

Who receives my data?

If we use a service provider for order processing, we remain responsible for the protection of your data. All processors are contractually obliged to treat your data confidentially and only to process it in the context of the provision of services. The processors commissioned by us receive your data if they require the data to fulfill their respective service. These are, for example, IT service providers that are necessary for the operation and security of our IT system as well as advertising and address publishers for our own advertising campaigns.

Your data is processed in our customer database. The customer database supports the improvement of the data quality in the existing customer data (duplicate cleansing, moved/deceased indicators, address correction), and facilitates the augmentation with data from public sources.

If necessary for the processing of the contract, this data is made available to the Group companies. Customer data is stored in a company-specific and separate manner, whereby our parent company acts as a service provider for the individual participating companies.

In the event of a legal obligation and as part of legal proceedings, authorities and courts as well as external auditors may be recipients of your data.

In   addition, insurance companies, banks, credit agencies and service providers   may be recipients of your data   which is then used for the   purpose of      initiating and   fulfilling the contract.   

How long will my data be stored?

We process your data until the termination of the business relationship or until the expiry of the applicable statutory retention periods (such as from the German Commercial Code, the German Fiscal Code, or the German Working Hours Act); and beyond this, until the cessation of any legal disputes in which the data is required as evidence.

Is personal data transferred to a third country?

We also process data in countries outside the European Economic Area ("EEA"). This applies in particular to:

  • Akamai Technologies, Inc.
  • Google, Inc.
  • Youtube, LLC
  • OneTrust
  • Microsoft Corporation

In its ruling of July 16, 2020, the European Court of Justice revoked its previously applicable decision, which identified affiliation with the U.S. Privacy Shield as a permissible legal basis. The European Court of Justice thus clarified that the U.S. Privacy Shield does not offer an equivalent guarantee for the protection of personal data as the regulations applicable throughout the EU. In order to make a transfer to a third country nevertheless admissible, EU standard contractual clauses must therefore be agreed and concluded with the recipient. These standard contractual clauses have been agreed and concluded with Akamai Technologies, inc, Google, Inc, Youtube, LLC, Trustarc Inc, Microsoft Corporation.  These can be found here:


We have taken technical and administrative security measures to protect your personal data against loss, destruction, manipulation and unauthorized access. All our employees and service providers working for us are obliged to comply with the applicable data protection laws.

Whenever we collect and process personal data, it is encrypted before it is transferred. This means that your data cannot be misused by third parties. Our security measures are subject to a continuous improvement process and our privacy policies are constantly being revised. Please make sure you have the latest version.

What data is processed and from which sources does this data originate?

We process the data that we have received from you as part of the initiation or processing of the contract, on the basis of your consent or within the framework of your cooperation with us.

Individual processing activities

In the following we would like to show you as transparently as possible which data we process from you on which occasion, on which basis and the purpose.

Server log files

Each time a website is accessed and each time data is retrieved from a server, general information is automatically transmitted to the server providing it. This data transfer takes place automatically and is a fundamental component of communication between devices on the Internet.

The data transferred by default includes the following information: Your IP address, product and version information about the browser used and the operating system (the user agent), the website from which your access took place (the referrer), date and time of the request (the timestamp). In addition, the http status and the amount of data transferred are recorded as part of this request.

This information is logged by the server, written to a table and temporarily stored there (the server log files). By analyzing these log files, we are able to detect and subsequently correct website errors, determine website usage at specific times and make adjustments or improvements based on this, and ensure server security by tracking the IP address from which attacks were made on our server.

Your IP address will only be stored for the time you use the website and will be deleted immediately afterwards or made partially unrecognizable by abbreviating it. The remaining data is stored for a limited period of time (usually 7 days).

The legal basis for the processing and storage of the data is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 letter f) DSGVO (Legitimate interest in data processing). The legitimate interest arises from the necessity for the operation and maintenance of our website, as we have explained above. You can object to your data being processed by us at any time even when the processing is based on our legitimate interest under the conditions of Art. 21 DSGVO. Please use the contact data given in the imprint. However, we would like to point out in advance that the processing of your data in server log files is mandatory within the meaning of Art. 21 para. 1 DSGVO, as otherwise the website cannot be operated at all.



We use "cookies" to improve the user-friendliness of our website.

What are cookies

Put very simply, a cookie is a small text file that stores data about web pages visited. Cookies can be used in many ways. For example, they can store a type of "user profile", including information like your preferred language and page settings that are required by our website to provide certain services to you. The cookie file is stored on your end device and can also help to recognize you when you visit our website again.

Cookies may also enable us to obtain information about your preferred activities on our website and thus tailor our website to your individual interests or even increase the speed of the navigation of our website.

How you can avoid cookies

You can manually delete the cookies in the security settings of your browser at any time.

You can also prevent the storage of cookies from the outset by adjusting your browser settings accordingly. However, please note that you may then not be able to use all the functions of our website to their full extent or that errors may occur in the presentation and use of the website.

Third party cookies

It is possible that third-party providers, with the help of which we design and operate our site, (see below in the section "Third Party Services"), may independently store their own cookies on your terminal device, particularly by use of plugins. If you only want to accept our own cookies, but not cookies from these third parties, you can prevent the storage of these cookies by selecting the appropriate browser setting "Block third-party cookies".

Legal basis

The legal basis for the use of cookies that are absolutely necessary for the function of the website (e.g. shopping cart cookie, session cookie) is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 letter f) DSGVO (legitimate interest in data processing). The legitimate interest results from our need to be able to offer you a functioning website. Cookies are necessary because they are an integral part of current Internet technology and without cookies, many functions of current websites would not be available. We therefore need cookies to be able to provide you with the website at your request.

You can object to your data being processed by us at any time even when the processing is based on our legitimate interest under the conditions of Art. 21 DSGVO. Please use the contact data given in the imprint.

However, we would like to point out that the processing of your data in certain cookies is mandatory in the sense of Art. 21 Para. 1 DSGVO, as otherwise the website cannot be operated at all and we do not have the technical means to prevent the setting of cookies on certain individual terminal devices. However, you may be able to do this yourself in your browser. For more information, please refer to the manual of your browser.

The legal basis for the use of cookies that are absolutely necessary for the function of the website (e.g. shopping cart cookie, session cookie) is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 letter f) DSGVO (legitimate interest in data processing). We ask you to agree to the use of unnecessary cookies the first time you access the website by means of a displayed information text. You can withdraw your consent at any time by deleting all cookies in your browser. How this works in your browser, can be found in the browser instructions.


Web Storage

What is web storage

Web storage is a technique for web applications that stores data in a web browser. Web storage can be seen as a simplified further development of cookies, but differs in a number of ways.

Unlike cookies, which can be accessed by both server and client, web storage is completely controlled by the client. This means that data is not transferred to the server every time the website is called up. The access is exclusively local via scripts on the website. In concrete terms, this means that access by third parties to the stored information via the website is excluded. Only you and we can access the locally stored data.

Legal basis

The legal basis for the use of cookies that are absolutely necessary for the function of the website (e.g. shopping cart cookie, session cookie) is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 letter f) DSGVO (legitimate interest in data processing). The legitimate interest results from our need to be able to offer you a functioning website. Cookies are necessary because they are an integral part of current Internet technology and without cookies many functions of current websites would not be available. We therefore need cookies to be able to provide you with the website at your request.

You can object to your data being processed by us at any time, even when the processing is based on our legitimate interest under the conditions of Art. 21 DSGVO. Please use the contact data given in the imprint.

However, we would like to point out that the processing of your data in certain cookies is mandatory in the sense of Art. 21 Para. 1 DSGVO, as otherwise the website cannot be operated at all and we do not have the technical means to prevent the setting of cookies on certain individual terminal devices. However, you may be able to do this yourself in your browser. For more information, please refer to your browser manual.

Contacting us

Our website offers possibilities to get in contact with us directly. By contacting us, you agree to the processing and storage of your transferred data (especially your email address); this is needed for the processing of your request. You can object to this processing at any time with effect for the future. Please use our contact data in the imprint. However please note that we will then no longer process your request.

We process the data transmitted by you to us exclusively until the respective purpose of your contact is achieved, unless legal retention periods conflict with this. If the purpose of your contact is to assert your rights as a data subject, the content of section "Your rights as a data subject" applies.

We require the following information from you:

  • Email: The entry of your email address is necessary for us to be able to contact you. We will use your information exclusively for this purpose.
  • Surname: The entry of your surname is necessary for us to be able to assign your inquiry correctly. We will use your information exclusively for this purpose.
  • Subject of the request: The indication of the subject of the inquiry is necessary to be able to assign your inquiry to the correct contact person in the company. We will use your information exclusively for this purpose.
  • Company: if necessary, we need the information about your company in order to be able to assign your inquiry correctly. We will use your information exclusively for this purpose.
  • Country: if necessary, we need to know the country in order to assign your inquiry to the right contact person. We will use your information exclusively for this purpose.
  • Area of application/use: if necessary, we need to know the area of application/use in order to be able to assign the inquiry to the correct contact person. We will use your information exclusively for this purpose.
  • Zip code: we may require your zip code in order to assign your request to the correct contact person. We will use your information exclusively for this purpose.
  • Machine number: if necessary, we need the machine number to be able to assign your inquiry to the correct order. We will use your information exclusively for this purpose.


The legal basis for the use of the data you provide when you contact us is provided by Art. 6( 1)( 1)( a) GDPR (consent of the data subject). You can revoke your consent to this processing at any time with effect for the future. Please use the contact details given in the imprint.

The legal basis for the processing and storage of data is Art.  6( 1) (1) (f) GDPR (legitimate interest in data processing). We have explained the legitimate interest in the above list.

You can object at any time to our processing of your data on the basis of our legitimate interest, subject to the conditions of Art. 21 GDPR.  Please use the contact details given in the imprint.


Contact via trade fair booth / email / telephone

If you visit us at trade fair booths, send us email inquiries or contact us by telephone, the information you provide in the inquiry form including the contact data you provide, will be stored by us for the purpose of processing the inquiry and to respond with follow-up questions. We do not pass on this data without your consent.

The processing of this data is based on Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR, provided that your request is related to the performance of a contract or is necessary for the implementation of pre-contractual measures. In all other cases, the processing is based on our legitimate interest in the effective processing of enquiries sent to us (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR) or according your consent (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR) if this was requested.

The data you enter in the contact form will remain with us until you request us to delete it, or revoke your consent to store it, or the purpose for storing the data no longer applies (e.g. after we have completed processing your request). Mandatory statutory provisions – in particular retention periods – remain unaffected.

We collect the following mandatory information:

  • Surname: The entry of your surname is necessary for us to be able to assign your inquiry correctly. We will use your information exclusively for this purpose.
  • Company: if necessary, we need the information about your company in order to be able to assign your inquiry correctly. We will use your information exclusively for this purpose.
  • Country: if necessary, we need to know the country in order to assign your inquiry to the right contact person. We will use your information exclusively for this purpose.
  • Complete address (street, zip code, city): we need the address data to be able to internally assign the responsible contact person.
  • Subject of the request: The indication of the subject of the inquiry is necessary to be able to assign your inquiry to the correct contact person in the company. We will use your information exclusively for this purpose.
  • Machine number: if necessary, we need the machine number to be able to assign your inquiry to the correct order. We will use your information exclusively for this purpose.
  • Area of application/use: if necessary, we need to know the area of application/use in order to be able to assign the inquiry to the correct contact person. We will use your information exclusively for this purpose.
  • Email: The entry of your email address is necessary for us to be able to contact you. We will use your information exclusively for this purpose.

Third-party services


Our website uses OneTrust’s cookie consent technology to obtain your consent to the storage of certain cookies in your browser and to document these in compliance with data protection regulations. The provider of this technology is OneTrust, represented in two main offices in the USA and England: Atlanta, GA (Co-Headquarters), 1200 Abernathy Rd NE, Building 600, Atlanta, GA 30328 United States, +1 (844) 847-7154 and London, England (Co-Headquarters), Dixon House, 1 Lloyd’s Avenue, London, EC3N 3DQ, +44 (800) 011-9778. When you enter our website, a OneTrust cookie is stored in your browser, in which your consents or the revocation of these consents are stored.

The collected data is stored until you request us to delete it or until you delete the OneTrust cookie yourself or until the purpose for storing the data no longer applies. Mandatory statutory retention periods remain unaffected. Details on the data processing of OneTrust cookies can be found in the OneTrust Privacy Policy at

The OneTrust Cookie Consent technology is used to obtain the legally required consents for the use of cookies. The legal basis for this is Article 6(1)(1)(c) GDPR and Art. 6(1)(1)(f) GDPR.

Akamai CDN

To accelerate our websites, we use the Content Delivery Network (CDN) from Akamai Technologies Inc., 150 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA, (Akamai). A CDN is a service that facilitates the fast delivery of online content, especially large media files such as graphics or scripts, through regionally distributed servers connected to the Internet. Your data is processed solely for the aforementioned purposes and to maintain the security and functionality of the CDN.

Akamai transfers personal data from the log files (e.g., IP addresses) to the U.S. whenever it processes data. This is because certain servers for processing the log files are located only in the U.S..  Akamai has consequently committed itself to comply with the standards and regulations of European data protection law. More information on Akamai’s data protection can be found at

Akamai stores data for up to 24 hours to make it possible to deliver content more quickly when visiting our website. 

The legal basis for the processing is our legitimate interest in accordance with Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest is the high-performance availability of our website.

Fast Fonts

This page uses so-called web fonts provided by Monotype GmbH ( or for the uniform presentation of fonts. When you access a page, your browser loads the required web fonts into your browser cache to correctly display texts and fonts.

For this purpose, the browser you are using must connect to the servers. This tells that our website was accessed via your IP address. web fonts are used in the interest of a uniform and appealing presentation of our online offers. This constitutes a legitimate interest within the context of Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

If your browser does not support web fonts, a default font will be used by your computer.

Further information on these web fonts can be found at and in’s privacy policy: and in Monotype GmbH’s privacy policy:

YouTube in advanced privacy mode

We use YouTube to integrate videos. The videos were embedded in the advanced data protection mode. Like most websites, YouTube also uses cookies to collect information about visitors to its website. YouTube uses these to collect video statistics, to prevent fraud and to improve user experience and for other purposes. This also leads to a connection being established with the Google DoubleClick network. If you start the video, this could trigger further data processing processes. We have no influence on this. For more information about privacy practices at YouTube, please see their privacy policy at:

Matomo (web analysis)

We use the software “Matomo” software ( on this website; a service provided by InnoCraft Ltd., 150 Willis St, 6011 Wellington, New Zealand. The software places a cookie (a text file) on your computer, which can be used to recognize your browser. If sub-pages of our website are accessed, the following data is stored: - the IP address of the user, shortened by the last two bytes (anonymised) - the accessed sub-page and time of access - the page from which the user reached our website (referrer) - which browser with which plugins, which operating system and which screen resolution is used - the length of time on the website - the pages that are accessed from the accessed sub-page. The data collected with Matomo is stored on our own servers. It is not passed on to third parties. We use the data to analyse the surfing behavior of users and to obtain information about the use of the individual components of the website. This allows us to continuously optimize the website and its user-friendliness. In these purposes, our legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. We take the interest of users into account with respect to the protection of personal data by anonymizing the IP address. The data is never used to personally identify the user of the website and is not combined with other data. The data is deleted when it is no longer required for our purposes. You may object to the recording of the data in the manner described above: By clicking below, you can create a so-called opt-out cookie, which is valid indefinitely. As a result, Matomo will not register your further visits. However, please note that if you delete all cookies, the opt-out cookie will be deleted.

Tracking is used by NEW.EGO GmbH, Bavariaring 21, D-80336 Munich. NEW.EGO is our service provider responsible for the development and design of the website. An agreement covering contract data processing has been concluded with NEW.EGO.

Use of Google services

We apply the following technologies from Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland ("Google"). The information automatically collected by Google technologies about your use of our website is generally transferred to a server of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA and stored there. The European Commission has not issued an adequacy decision pertaining to the USA. Our cooperation is based on standard data protection clauses of the European Commission.

If your IP address is collected by Google technologies, it will be shortened before being stored on Google servers by activating IP anonymization. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server and shortened there. Unless otherwise specified for the individual technologies, data processing is carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded between joint controllers for the respective technology in accordance with Article 26 GDPR. You can find further information about data processing by Google in the privacy policy.

Google Tag Manager

This website uses Google Tag Manager. Tag Manager does not collect any personal data. The tool triggers other tags that may collect data. Google Tag Manager does not access this data. If a domain or cookie level deactivation has been made, the deactivation remains active for all tracking tags implemented with Google Tag Manager. Google’s privacy policy for this tool can be found at:

Google Ads

For advertising purposes in Google search results and on third-party websites, the so-called Google remarketing cookie is set when you visit our website, which automatically enables interest-based advertising by collecting and processing data (IP address, time of visit, device and browser information as well as information about your use of our website) and by means of a pseudonymous cookie ID and on the basis of the pages you visit. Further data processing takes place only if you have activated the “personalized advertising” setting in your Google account. If you are logged in to Google during your visit to our website, Google will use your data together with Google Analytics data to create and define target group lists for cross-device remarketing.

Google Analytics with anonymization function

We use Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Ireland  Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, hereinafter referred to as "Google", on our website. Google Analytics uses so-called "Cookies", text files that are stored on your computer which make it possible to analyze your use of the website.

The information generated by these cookies, such as the time, location and frequency of your website visit, including your IP address, is transferred to Google in the USA and stored there.

We use Google Analytics with the extension "_gat._anonymizeIp" on our website". Your IP address will be shortened and anonymized by Google within the member states of the European Union or in other states party to the Agreement with the European Economic Area..

Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of our website, for compiling reports on website activities on our behalf and for providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf.

Google declares that it will never associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You can prevent the installation of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly; however, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all the functions of our website to their full extent.

Furthermore, Google offers a deactivation add-on for the most common browsers, which gives the user more control over what data it collects regarding the websites accessed. The add-on tells the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js) not to send website visit information to Google Analytics. However, the deactivated Google Analytics browser add-on does not prevent information from being transferred to us or to other web analysis services that we may use. You can find further information on installing the Browser Add-on at the following link:

If you visit our site using a mobile device (smartphone or tablet), you must click this link to prevent Google Analytics from collecting data within this website in the future. This is also possible as an alternative to the above browser add-on. Clicking the link sets an opt-out cookie in your browser that is valid only for this browser and domain. If you delete the cookies in this browser, the opt-out cookie will also be deleted, so you will have to click the link again.

If you have consented to have your web and app browsing history linked to your Google Account by Google and consented to have information from your Google Account used to personalize ads, Google will use your data in conjunction with Google Analytics data to create targeting lists for cross-device remarketing. For this purpose, Google Analytics first collects your Google-authenticated ID on our website, which is then linked to your Google account (i.e. person-related data). Google Analytics will then temporarily link your ID to your Google Analytics data in order to optimize our target groups.

If you do not agree to this, you can disable this feature by selecting the appropriate settings in the "My Account" section of your Google Account.

You can prevent Google Analytics from collecting your data by clicking on the following link An opt-out cookie is used to prevent the collection of your information on future visits to this site: Disable Google Analytics

LinkedIn Analytics

We use the LinkedIn Insight Tag on our website, this being a service provided by LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland (hereinafter referred to as: "LinkedIn").

LinkedIn stores and processes information about your behavior when using our website. To this end, LinkedIn uses, among other things, cookies, small text files that are stored locally in the cache of your web browser on your end device to allow an analysis of your use of our website. The following data is collected: URL, referrer URL, IP address, device and browser properties, timestamp and page view. This data is transmitted to LinkedIn in encrypted form.

We use this technology for marketing and advertising purposes and, in particular, to display relevant, interest-based advertising on LinkedIn (LinkedIn Ads) to visitors to our website. We also receive aggregated and anonymous reports from LinkedIn about advertising activities as well as information about how you interact with our website. Through the statistical evaluation of user behavior, we can improve our offer to make it even more interesting for you as a user. This also constitutes our legitimate interest in the processing of the above data by the third-party provider. The legal basis is Article 6(1)(1)(f) GDPR.

The data is processed on the basis of an agreement between jointly responsible parties pursuant to Article 26 GDPR. You can find further information about LinkedIn’s data processing in LinkedIn’s privacy policy at:

You can prevent the installation of cookies by deleting existing cookies and deactivating the storage of cookies in the settings of your web browser. Please note that in this case you may not be able to make full use of all the functions of our website. You can also prevent LinkedIn from collecting the aforementioned information by setting an opt-out cookie on one of the websites linked below:

Please note that this setting will be deleted when you delete your cookies. You can object to the collection and forwarding of personal data or prevent the processing of this data by deactivating the execution of Java Script in your browser. You can also prevent the execution of Java script code as a whole by installing a Java script blocker (e.g. or Please note that in this case you may not be able to make full use of all the functions of our website.

Information from the third party provider: LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Irland. You can find more information about data protection from the third-party provider on the following website:



Bing Ads

We use conversion tracking from Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA on our pages. Microsoft Bing Ads sets a cookie on your computer if you have accessed our website via a Microsoft Bing ad. Microsoft Bing and we can recognize in this way that someone has clicked on an ad, has been redirected to our website and has reached a previously determined target page (conversion page). We are only informed about the total number of users who clicked on a Bing ad and were redirected to the conversion page. No personal information on the identity of the user is provided.

If you do not want information about your behavior to be used by Microsoft for the purposes described above, you can refuse the setting of a necessary cookie - for example, via a browser setting that generally disables the automatic setting of cookies. In addition, you can prevent the collection of cookie generated data relating to your use of the website and the processing of this data by Microsoft by declaring your objection through the following link: . Further information on data protection and the cookies used by Microsoft and Bing Ads can be found on the Microsoft website at

Facebook Ads and Pixel

 We use the Facebook Pixel within the framework of technologies offered by Facebook Ireland Ltd [], as described below. 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland (“Facebook”). With Facebook Pixel, data (IP address, time of visit, device and browser information, as well as information about your use of our website based on events specified by us such as visit to a website or newsletter registration) are automatically collected and stored. This data is used to create usage profiles using pseudonyms. To this end, a cookie is automatically set by the Facebook Pixel when you visit our website, which automatically allows your browser to be recognized when you visit other websites, by means of a pseudonymous cookie ID. Facebook will combine this information with other data from your Facebook account and use it to compile reports on website activities as well as provide other services associated with website use, in particular personalized and group-based advertising. We have no influence on how Facebook processes the data and only receive statistics generated by the Facebook Pixel.

The information collected automatically by Facebook technologies about your use of our website is generally transferred to a server of Facebook, Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA and stored there. The European Commission has not issued an adequacy decision pertaining to the USA. Our cooperation is based on standard European Commission data protection clauses. The data is processed on the basis of an agreement between joint controllers pursuant to Article 26 GDPR. Further information on data processing by Facebook can be found in Facebook’s privacy policy

In order to present interest-based advertisements to visitors of our website during their visit to Facebook, we use "Custom Audiences Pixel" from Facebook Inc, 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA ("Facebook"). For this purpose, we have implemented Facebook Pixel on our website, which establishes a direct connection to the Facebook servers when you visit our website. In doing so, the Facebook server is informed that you have visited our website and Facebook assigns this information to your personal Facebook user account. Please refer to Facebook' s privacy policy at for more information on the collection and use of data by Facebook, as well as your rights in this regard and options for protecting your privacy. 

If you wish to object to the described connection with Facebook, you can do so by clicking on this link: Facebook Opt-Out

We use Facebook Ads to promote this website on Facebook as well as on other platforms, such as Instagram. We determine the parameters of the respective advertising campaign; Facebook is responsible for the specific implementation, in particular the decision about placement of advertisements with individual users.

 Based on the statistics about visitor activity on our website generated via the Facebook Pixel, we use Facebook Custom Audience to create group-based advertising on Facebook, by identifying the characteristics of the respective target group.

We conduct personalized advertising via Facebook Pixel Remarketing based on the pseudonymous cookie ID set by Facebook Pixel and the data collected about your usage behavior on our website. 

 We use Facebook Pixel Conversions to measure your subsequent usage behavior for web analytics and event tracking purposes when you arrived at our website through a Facebook Ads ad.

Facelift Cloud

We use technologies from Facelift Brand Building Technologies GmbH, Gerhofstrasse 19, 20354 Hamburg to maintain our social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram).

Our cooperation is based on standard European Commission data protection clauses. Data is processed according to Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest is the analysis of user behavior and communication via the tool in order to optimize our social media presence.

The valid Facelift Brand Building Technologies GmbH privacy policy can be found at

Facelift Brand Building Technologies GmbH is acting on our behalf.

Friendly Captcha

To prevent non-human and automated entries, technologies from Friendly Captcha GmbH, Am Anger 3-5, 82237 Wörthsee, Germany,, are used to collect and store data (log data, timestamp, anonymized counters by IP address). Data is processed on the basis of legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)f GDPR). The applicable data protection policy of Friendly Captcha GmbH can be found at

Friendly Captcha GmbH is acting on our behalf. A contract for order processing has been concluded with the company.

What data protection rights do I have?

You have a right to information, to correction, to deletion or restriction of the processing of your stored data at any time; you have the right to object to the processing as well as the right to data portability and the right to lodge a complaint in accordance with the provisions of data protection law.


Right of access:

You can demand information from us as to whether and to what extent we process your personal data.

Right to rectification:

If we process your personal data that are incomplete or incorrect, you can demand that we correct or complete such data at any time.

Right of deletion:

You can demand that we delete your personal data if we process the data unlawfully or if the processing interferes unjustifiably with your legitimate data protection interests. Please note that there may be reasons that prevent an immediate deletion, for example, in the case of statutory retention obligations.

Irrespective of the exercising of your right to erasure, we will delete your personal data immediately and completely, provided that there is no legal or statutory obligation to retain the data.

Right to restriction of processing:

You can demand that we restrict the processing of your personal data if

  • you contest the correctness of the data for a period of time that allows us to verify the correctness of the data.
  • the processing of the data is unlawful, but you refuse deletion and instead request restriction of the use of the data,
  • we no longer need the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but you still require the data for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims, or
  • you have lodged an objection to the processing of the data.

Right of objection:

If we process your data on the basis of a legitimate interest, you can revoke consent at any time; this would also apply to profiling based on these provisions. We will then no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for processing that override your interests, rights, and freedoms or unless the processing serves the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims. You may object to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of direct marketing at any time without having to give reasons.

Right to data portability:

You may request that we provide you with the personal data you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and that you may transfer those data to another data controller without hindrance from us, provided that

  • we process such data on the basis of a revocable consent given by you or for the fulfillment of a contract between us, and
  • this processing is carried out by automated means.

Where technically feasible, you may request us to transfer your personal data directly to another data controller.

Right to lodge a complaint:

If you believe that we are processing your personal data in violation of German or European data protection law, please contact us so that we can clarify any questions you may have. Of course, you also have the right to contact the supervisory authority responsible for you, i.e. the respective state office for data protection supervision.

If you wish to assert any of the above rights with respect to us, please contact our data protection officer. In cases of doubt, we may request additional information to confirm your identity.

Right of withdrawal of consent

If we process your data on the basis of your consent, you may revoke this consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent up to the revocation.

Automated decision-making in individual cases, including profiling

You have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing - including profiling - which is likely to produce legal effects against you or similarly significantly affect you. Exceptions to this are only valid subject to the provisions of Article 22(2) of the GDPR.

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