Volunteering helps – Flottweg provides donation for bounce house for Landshut Firefighters Association
Flottweg has made a donation to the Landshut Firefighters Association (Kreisfeuerwehrverband Landshut), helping them purchase a "firefighter bounce house". In the future, this bounce house will be used by fire departments throughout the Landshut district. Local fire departments will be able to borrow it for festivities and events of all kinds, such as flag ceremonies or founding festivals. Receiving the donation on November 22, 2022 in Flottweg’s Plant 2, Landshut Fire Commissioner Rudolf Englbrecht was very pleased with the donation from Flottweg: "We would like to thank Flottweg for this financial support. This bounce house is a great investment, both for encouraging young talent in particular and for our young families."

As a family-friendly company, Flottweg has strong roots in the region: "It is important to us that we support volunteer associations and regional projects – especially in times of crisis," explains Flottweg Board Member Peter Frankfurter. "Which is why we are delighted to help the Landshut Firefighters Association purchase this firefighter bounce house with our donation."
Volunteering is a top priority at Flottweg
Winning the Volunteer Friendly Award also shows how important volunteering is for Flottweg. In October, Flottweg became the first company in the Landshut district to receive this award, being honored by Bavaria’s State Minister of the Interior Sandro Kirchner at the "Blaulicht" (Emergency Services) reception for "Sicheres Bayern" (A Safe Bavaria). Flottweg was nominated for the award by the Landshut Firefighters Association. As an employer, Flottweg encourages and supports employees to volunteer – even during work hours.