Middle school students visit Flottweg: insight into technical professions
The combination of theory and practice is particularly important in the STEM subjects (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology) in order to better understand the content. The STEM subjects also form the basis of many promising professional fields. Vilsbiburg secondary school has been one of Bavaria's STEM-friendly schools since 2011 and places great value on practice-oriented learning. For this reason, the school has been working closely with machine manufacturer Flottweg from Vilsbiburg for years to get students interested in technical apprenticeships and make STEM subjects tangible in everyday life.

Practical insights into the world of technology
At the end of January, 124 pupils from year 6 at Vilsbiburg secondary school, accompanied by their four teachers, had the opportunity to gain their first insights into the world of technical professions at Flottweg. In the company's own training workshop, the young people were able to assemble a fan themselves under the guidance of Flottweg trainees. They learned various manual skills such as drilling, milling and assembly. Finally, they milled their names into the self-made fan on a CNC machine. In addition to building the fan, the students were also given a factory tour, which gave them an exciting look behind the scenes of the separation technology specialist and allowed them to learn more about the production of centrifuges and possible career paths.
“It is really important to us to give the pupils a first insight into the world of work. This allows young people to discover their enthusiasm for STEM professions at a young age,” explains Flottweg's Head of Training Daniel Wimmer. “Anyone who is particularly interested and would like to find out more about our apprenticeships can also deepen their impressions during a work placement.”
Teacher Alexandra Zehentbauer is also delighted with the practical experience that the young people were able to gain: “STEM is an important focus at our school. It is particularly important to us that the students get excited about STEM and technical professions at an early age. The visit to Flottweg offers them the perfect opportunity to get a taste of this world.”

Julia Deliano
PR- & Content Manager
Flottweg SE
Industriestraße 6-8
84137 Vilsbiburg
Phone: +49 (8741) 301 - 1572
E-Mail: delian@flottweg.com