On track for the future with Flottweg - interview with trainees
Training with added value, modern teaching opportunities and a cohesive team - that's what makes training at the mechanical engineering company Flottweg so special. Company internships offer pupils an initial insight to find out which profession is right for developing one’s strengths. Flottweg also offers young people the opportunity to get a taste of various areas of activity through an internship. Nadine Hinterlassnig, apprentice industrial mechanic in the second year of training, Florian Unterholzner and Paul Niedermeier, industrial mechanics in the third year of training, report on their personal experiences with internships and apprenticeships at Flottweg.

Industrial internship – the first step into working life
During a one-week industrial internship, pupils have the opportunity to get to know a profession and get a diversified overview of the various tasks performed in the respective occupation, such as drilling, milling or turning: “I found the manufacture of my first test piece, which we produced at the end of the internship, particularly exciting,” says Paul Niedermeier. The 19-year-old also explains: “I applied for an internship at that time because I had been aware of Flottweg’s good reputation in the region for quite a while.” Just like Paul Niedermeier, many apply for an apprenticeship position after the internship, as they are enthusiastic about the first experiences they have had at Flottweg. At the same time, they want to deepen their insight into the work environment through the apprenticeship.
In addition to the positive experiences in the company internship, Paul Niedermeier also found the general conditions of the training important: “The apprenticeship course as an industrial mechanic offers me excellent opportunities for internal continuing education. In addition, I have regular working hours that allow me to better plan my free time.” Apprentice Nadine Hinterlassnig placed particular emphasis on mutual support when choosing her employer: “It was especially important to me that I could always turn to my instructors for help.”
Apprenticeship at Flottweg:
Right at the beginning of their training, the young people get to know the machines that are used at Flottweg. Incidentally, in the first year of training, various courses are taken on filing, drilling or milling. “In the first few months, we were already allowed to produce our first own practice pieces,” says Nadine Hinterlassnig. After 1.5 years of basic training in the apprentice workshop, the interim examination part 1 takes place. In addition to school exam preparation, Flottweg permits four practice exams in the company. Each trainee receives appropriate assistance with both theoretical and practical questions. If performance is adequate, the training period can then be shortened from 3.5 to 3 years. In the last 1.5 years, the trainees are employed in the various departments and workplaces. Apprentice Florian Unterholzner particularly likes this variety of tasks: "Before I started at Flottweg, I wanted an apprenticeship with varied activities. This expectation has been met, because my training as an industrial mechanic forms the basis for my later professional life. I also enjoy working with my colleagues.”
Interested? Get to know our apprenticeships!
Whether it’s a company internship or apprenticeship – Flottweg is always on the lookout for the specialists of the future. It is still possible to gain an initial insight into Flottweg’s working world during a company internship. In addition to training as an industrial mechanic, Flottweg also trains mechatronics technicians, warehouse logistics experts and industrial management assistants with further qualification as foreign language correspondents.
Find out more about internship or apprenticeship