From Fruit to Juice - Expert Interview with Sales Engineer Ronald Haupt

We speak the same “language” as our customers, meaning we know what’s important and what the market and conditions are like.Ronald Haupt Sales engineer and and expert for the juice sector
What current trends are there in the market? What are the prevailing framework conditions in the industry?
The trend towards regional production continues to grow virtually uninterrupted. The main focus here is to prevent carbon emissions. Another trend that is emerging in the market is the increased health consciousness of consumers. Here, the focus is mostly on reducing sugar and calories. There is also growth in beverages with added benefits, such as ginger or turmeric, for example. So, there is a variety of topics that currently occupy the industry.
We also notice that the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the increased energy and raw material prices continue to impact the market. The cost issue, caused by external influences, is currently concerning many manufacturers, and inevitably, this raises questions about how processes can be made even more efficient.
In the past, it has often been shown that a crisis also offers many opportunities to question and reconsider existing processes.
What specific possibilities are there for the beverage industry when it comes to rethinking their own processes and making them more efficient in the long term?
In the economical processing of fruit or vegetable juice, various criteria are crucial. In addition to excellent fruit juice quality, achieving the highest possible raw material yield is also a focus, while considering the challenges mentioned earlier.
What particularities are there in the production of fruit juice? What specific aspects must be explicitly considered?
Special conditions include having to transform the raw materials into juice while having to extract and preserve the natural ingredients in the gentlest way possible. After all, the meaning of the term “liquid fruit and vegetables” wasn't just accidentally conjured up.
Furthermore, it is of course always important to observe general hygiene requirements. Since the raw materials spoil easily and consumers have high standards, the processing of fruit juices, especially exotic ones, is very challenging when it comes to hygiene-related issues. Efficient processing options that ensure fast and gentle processing of each raw material while maintaining high economic efficiency are therefore always a must.
How can Flottweg’s separation technology be used in the fruit juice sector?
Flottweg offers various systems for the quality-conscious and economical production of fruit and vegetable juices. Depending on the type of raw material to be processed, our belt presses, decanters, or separators are used for this purpose. The big advantage here is that we can offer the customer different options. This allows us a great deal of flexibility in terms of the raw materials the customer wants to be processed. As a juice extraction specialist, we can also provide advice on how to produce mash and share all our expertise for the entire process. It doesn’t matter if it’s for the production of direct juice, about raw juice for the production of concentrates, or a combination of different processes.
What is particularly important for our customers in the fruit juice production sector? Which machine features are of great importance here?
In this case, I'd like to once again mention our many years of experience and expertise. Our customers also benefit from a wide range of specialist knowledge when it comes to designing and planning systems.
From a technical standpoint, the flexibility of our machines is clearly the focal point. In terms of the decanters, the adjustable impeller provides a decisive advantage for the production of juice. Our belt presses also adapt to the respective condition of the raw materials. Having this flexibility is crucial, especially since we always work with natural products that change constantly due to environmental conditions.
What sets Flottweg apart from other suppliers in the beverage industry?
We speak the same “language” as our customers, meaning we know what’s important and what the market and conditions are like. For all Flottweg-relevant applications, an application specialist is available to the customer to look at the process in detail. We don’t provide a standard solution, but an individual solution
What services does Flottweg offer?
In the beverage industry in particular, quick service is essential because the perishable raw materials, such as fruit or vegetables, must be processed quickly. That’s why we know exactly how important it is to react quickly and to be available as a point of contact. Our service representatives are available in more than 100 countries worldwide.
What does the future look like in the industry?
The topics of regionality and transparency will continue to be important for manufacturers and consumers. This trend is clearly visible. The influence of social media will become even more important in the future due to new trends. A recent example is the use and processing of exotic raw materials to create alternative beverages. And the topic of sugar and health will certainly continue to be an issue for our industry.
Some process topics, however, will also be an important part of the future in the beverage industry: The automation of processes in particular will play a significant role here. The issue of permanently monitoring the operational status and carrying out service planning on a preventative basis will thereby become increasingly essential for companies.
You can also find more information about juice production in cooperation with Flottweg by visiting our application page about fruit juice.